
SiLC Introduction Days


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01 Mar

Business and Changing Environmental Regulation – Threat or Opportunity?

The Changing Law and You will cover potential future changes, amongst others, the EU Soil Framework Directive (SFD) which if goes through could have dramatic effects on the current national land regime.

While acceptance has stalled due to concerns in those EU member states where soil protection policies are more mature, the current Spanish Presidency is keen to push it ahead, and Janez Potocnik, Commissioner-designate for Environment has stressed the directive will be of EU interest with subsidiarity no excuse for inaction.

Professor Andrew Hursthouse from the University of West Scotland’s Environmental Initiatives Research Group will provide an overview of where the SFD sits and what its implementation might lead to.

Other presentations will cover:

  • The implementation of the Waste Framework Directive: Where are we heading?
  • The Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act -How it Will Work in Practice and Potential Routes for Challenging Regulatory Decisions
  • The Environmental Damage Regulations and their Implications
  • Changes in Contract Law in relation to Environmental Matters
  • Part 2A guidance: context and discussion
  • The St Leonard’s Court Part 2A appeal
  • The role of science and scientists in proving causation in environmental poisoning cases

Places are available from £149 + VAT! To register, please e-mail or call 020 8969 1008.

Visit for further information and to book your place.

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