
SiLC Introduction Day dates:

9th January 2024

2nd July 2024

If you cannot attend the specified dates (above) please email us to be placed on a mailing list which will alert you when an SiLC Introduction Day has been arranged else-where. Your email will not be shared or used for anything other than for Introduction day information.

SiLC Introduction Day fees for 2024 are:

Private Sector: £199.50 + VAT Total: £239.40

Public Sector: £147 + VAT Total: £176.40


09 May

Deputy Chair of the SiLC PTP announced

The SiLC Professional and Technical Panel is pleased to announce that Louise Beale, Technical Director at SLR Consulting Limited and AGS Technical representative on the SiLC PTP was elected to take on the role of Deputy Chair of the SiLC PTP. Louise will work closely with Tom Henman, recently appointed Chair of the SiLC PTP through a two year term before taking on the role of Chair.

The SiLC PTP is excited to focus on looking at redefining how SiLC can best contribute to the forward challenges the industry face.

Congratulations Louise.


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