
SiLC Introduction Days


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22 Jan

SAGTA/CL:AIRE Workshop: National Quality Mark Scheme – How can it work for landholder’s benefit?

This is initial notification of a collaboration between SAGTA and CL:AIRE to convene a workshop on 23rd February 2016 at BAE Systems facilities in Farnborough.

The topic for the day is:

A National Quality Mark Scheme – how can it work for landholders’ benefit?

Given the recent progress on the development of a framework for the proposed NQMS initiative, SAGTA and CL:AIRE are keen to discuss the scheme in detail with the wider community to help ensure a successful launch later in the year.

Subject only to the capacity constraints of the venue, the intention is to encourage the wider community involved in land management to join the day. Their plan is to craft a session that not only provides a basis to inform on details as currently proposed, but at the same time offers a platform to draw out perspectives of the initiative from all sectors. Whilst at the risk of duplicating material with certain recipients we hope you will also be able to circulate this notice to your members to enable them to join the day to participate in helping forge this initiative.

Delegate fees for the planned day are as follows:
• Individuals representing private sector organisations: £85.00+VAT
• Individuals attending on behalf of public sector organisations: £72.00+VAT
• CL:AIRE Members’ (Supporter and additional individual Principals) £72.00+VAT

Booking arrangements can be accessed on the CL:AIRE website,

Please also note that the entry page of this link also provides access to download the Workshop’s Aims and Objectives.

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