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04 Jul

Publication of SiLC/ CIRIA Soil CoP Workshop papers

We’re pleased to announce the publication of papers developed following the joint SiLC and CIRA Soil Community of Practice workshop on Future Policy and Regulation of Excavated Materials In England And Wales, which was attended by a wide range of stakeholders and held online on 1 February 2024.

In the first of three short papers, which can be downloaded here SILC_CIRIA CoP_Reuse workshop_1_setting_the_scene_Rev00, we set the scene for the workshop and the key considerations that informed it.

The paper articulates the key reasons that the current approach to regulating excavated materials during development through the waste regulatory regime is considered by many stakeholders as not fit for purpose. The forthcoming second paper provides more detail of the scope and factual outputs from the workshop with the third paper identifying shortlisted ‘options to consider’ for future improved policy and regulation of excavated materials.


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