
SiLC Introduction Days


If you are interested in attending one of our Introduction Days, please email us to be placed on a mailing list which will alert you when an SiLC Introduction Day has been arranged. Your email will not be shared or used for anything other than for Introduction day information.


27 Oct

SiLC Annual Forum 2023 – Sponsorship

We’re pleased to announce that we have two sponsorship packages available for companies who wish to support the upcoming SiLC Annual Forum 2023, taking place virtually on Wednesday 29th March.

Gold Sponsor 
Price: £400 (plus VAT)

  • Large logo on sponsor slide during the webinar
  • Company logo featured on the SiLC Annual Forum holding slide
  • Company logo featured on the comfort break video
  • Company credit during webinar opening and closing address
  • Logo and overview in the event program
  • Company directory in AGS Magazine (over 5,400 subscribers)
  • Two complementary webinar registrations
  • Company overview featured on the webinar registration page on the SiLC website
  • Logo featured on promotional marketing emails
  • 3x posts (company logo and overview) on the SiLC Twitter page (128 followers)
  • 3x posts (company logo and overview) on the SiLC LinkedIn page (633 followers)
  • Company logo and overview featured in a follow up SiLC article in AGS Magazine (5,500 subscribers)

Associate Sponsor £300 + VAT

  • Logo on sponsor slide during the webinar
  • Logo and overview in the event program
  • Company logo featured on the SiLC Annual Forum holding slide
  • Company logo featured on the comfort break video
  • Company credit during webinar opening & closing address
  • Company Logo featured in promotional marketing emails
  • One complementary webinar registration
  • 2x Twitter posts including your company logo and overview (128 followers)
  • 2x LinkedIn posts, included your company logo and overview (633 followers)
  • Company logo and overview featured in a follow up SiLC article in AGS Magazine (5,500 subscribers)

Packages are offered on a first come, first served basis.

For further information and to confirm your support please email Caroline Kratz or Angharad Lambourne-Wade at

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