
SiLC Introduction Days


If you are interested in attending one of our Introduction Days, please email us to be placed on a mailing list which will alert you when an SiLC Introduction Day has been arranged. Your email will not be shared or used for anything other than for Introduction day information.


15 Nov

Summary of SiLC Professional Technical Panel Meeting 17 September 2019

Summary of SiLC Professional Technical Panel Meeting 17 September 2019

• PTP early careers representative – The PTP will be shortly seeking nominations from early career SiLCs to undertake the role as of an early careers representative on the SiLC PTP.
• The PTP is asking all members to promote the use of NQMS.
• Paul Nathanial is to take over as Chair of the Land Forum in March 2020.
• The SiLC affiliate scheme is now fully operational and has received a number of applications.
• A promotional leaflet for the SiLC affiliate scheme is now available, please contact for a copy.
• All SiLCs are requested to use their logo on reports wherever possible.
• 20 years of SiLC is to be celebrated in the coming months, watch this space!
• The SiLC website now has new diary feature to enable contaminated land forums to promote their open/closed events, as well as other parties to promote appropriate events. This enables events to be linked straight to your calendars. Please contact Grace at SiLC for more information (email above). This will also hold dates for the PTP and board meetings, to enable members to raise items in advance.
• SiLC Introduction Days are to take place 20 September 2020 (London) and 30 October 2020 (Scotland). A Midlands event is also being organised and will be announced shortly.
• The SiLC Annual Forum is to take place on Friday 6 March 2020 at the Geological Society, more to follow shortly.
• The annual SiLC CPD audit is to take place shortly.
• Any SiLC wishing to come forward as assessors, please make yourself known.
• The Institute of Environmental Science has now joined SiLC as a Member Institution.

A huge thank you to James Nelson for his contributions to the SiLC PTP, as Royal Society of Chemistry Representative. James is to be replaced by Paddy Daly, with Linsey Cottrell as RSC deputy.

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