
SiLC Introduction Days


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04 Feb

The Defra Contaminated Land Survey

The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the Welsh Government, the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales ask for your participation in an important survey on the impact of the revised Part 2A Statutory guidance and supporting research projects, publications and other initiatives.

The aim of the survey is two-fold:

1. Assessing the level of understanding across the sector of the key principles that were introduced under the revised Statutory Guidance, implemented by Defra and the Welsh Government in April 2012.

2. Gathering Local Authority and other stakeholder views on the usefulness of the revised Part 2A Statutory Guidance for the determination of contaminated land, as well as its impacts on the land contamination sector in England and Wales.

Please click here to take the survey

The survey is open for a five-week period (from Monday 27 January until Friday 28 February 2014, midnight)  and is being administered by Cranfield University on behalf of the English and Welsh government departments.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact

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