
SiLC Introduction Days


If you are interested in attending one of our Introduction Days, please email us to be placed on a mailing list which will alert you when an SiLC Introduction Day has been arranged. Your email will not be shared or used for anything other than for Introduction day information.


20 Aug

Upcoming Exam Round Dates – 2021B & 2022 A & B

The next exam round is due to begin shortly with the deadline for applications, supporting documents and references due on 1st September. The written exam then begins on the 13th September with interviews taking place late November and early December.

Becoming a SiLC/SQP

Important dates for the upcoming 2021B round and future exam rounds in 2022 are as follows;
Exam Round 2 2021 (B)

Deadline for Applications: Wednesday 1st September 2021

Written test: Monday 13th September 2021 – Monday 11th October 2021

Interviews: Monday 22nd November 2021 – Monday 6th December 2021

Results: w/c Monday 10th January 2022

2022 Exam Dates

Exam Round 1 2022 (A)

Deadline for Applications: Monday 14th February 2022

Written test: Monday 28th February 2022 – Monday 28th March 2022

Interviews: Monday 9th May 2022 – Monday 23rd May 2022

Results : w/c Monday 13th June 2022

Exam Round 1 2022 (B)

Deadline for Applications: Thursday 1st September 2022

Written test: Monday 12th September 2022 – Monday 10th October 2022

Interviews: Monday 21st November 2022 – Monday 5th December 2022

Results : w/c Monday 9th January 2023

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