
SiLC Introduction Days


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22 Jan

Water and Land Library (WALL)

CL:AIRE has announced the creation of a Water and Land Library (WALL). The objective of WALL is to make freely available a comprehensive listing of links to water and land references, both past and present, produced by respected industry publishers including the Environment Agency, AGS, BRE, CIRIA, NHBC, CL:AIRE and others.

The development of WALL has been made possible due to the generous industry support from National Grid Property and Shell Global Solutions (UK) Ltd.

The structure of WALL mirrors the information map that comprises part III of CLR 11: Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination and includes sections on Risk Assessment, Options Appraisal, Implementation of the Remediation Strategy, Site Characterisation and Project Management.

CL:AIRE invites industry professionals to visit WALL by going to .

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