SiLC Register

Clive Williams - CGeol

Detailed Description

Clive Williams is a Chartered Geologist with 30 years' consultancy experience. Clive is an associate contaminated land consultant at Mott MacDonald Ltd with experience in the design and supervision of site investigations, human health & groundwater risk assessment and remedial design. Clive has particular experience in using quantitative human health risk assessment models and is skilled in undertaking groundwater risk assessments using the remedial targets methodology. He has undertaken a range of due diligence and pre-acquisition audits for industrial and commercial clients as well as working on environmental impact assessments, providing specialist inputs in relation to contaminated land, surface and groundwater quality and waste management. Clive is a Qualified Person under the CL:AIRE Development Industry Waste Code of Practice and a Suitably Qualified and Experienced Person under the NQMS.

Organisation: Mott MacDonald Ltd

Member of: Geological Society

Contact Details

Email Me
Tel: 029 2046 7867

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