
SiLC Introduction Days


If you are interested in attending one of our Introduction Days, please email us to be placed on a mailing list which will alert you when an SiLC Introduction Day has been arranged. Your email will not be shared or used for anything other than for Introduction day information.


16 Mar

SiLC Annual Forum 2020 Presentations

A big thank you to all who attend the SiLC Annual Forum 2020 which took place on Friday 6th March at the Geological Society in London.

We hope all who attended enjoyed the event and found the presentations and networking opportunities useful.

Please see below links to presentations that we were given permission to share:

RemSoc Framework- A Practitioners Guide to Remediation- Steve Edgar, Vertase FLI

Demonstrating Geotechnical Suitability Materials Management Plan- Ian Gardner, Hydrock 

Land Contamination: Risk Management- Angela Haslam, Environment Agency

Comparisons with a Critical Concentration- Nigel Marriott, Independent Statistician



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