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11 Dec

Innovative Land Condition Skills Development Framework is Ready for Public Consultation

Date for your diary: 11 December 2009

Public consultation on a new visionary framework aimed at nurturing and encouraging the development of environmental practitioners from the brownfield reclamation and remediation industry is to begin today (Friday 11th December).

Public consultation on the new Land Condition Skills Development Framework, devised and maintained by the Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC) Professional and Technical Panel (PTP), will begin this Friday (11th December). The Framework is sponsored by the Homes and Communities Agency (formerly English Partnerships and the Academy for Sustainable Communities).

The Land Condition Skills Development Framework (LCSDF) will define the capabilities applicable to all those operating within the brownfield reclamation and remediation sector. More specifically it is aimed at all those involved in preparing land for development or ensuring it is made suitable for its current use. Capabilities are high level descriptions of key behaviours, skills and knowledge that underpin effective performance. They define what effective performers actually understand, apply or demonstrate in most situations, most of the time, to achieve the best results.

While establishing at what level of capability individual practitioners are currently practicing at, from Basic through to Expert, the LCSDF also provides guidance on the training options available to support development through the various levels.

The SiLC PTP envisage that there will be many benefits to individuals, organisations and industry of adopting and implementing this skills development framework, namely:

  • Recruitment
    • Professional Development
  • Performance Management
  • Retention
  • Higher Industry Standards

SiLC Champion Kevin Eaton is excited about the consultation and what it will mean for the brownfield profession. He says “the SiLC scheme is about setting higher standards in the industry and the need for a framework to assist in this objective has been recognised by many organisations. I encourage all those working in this sector, whether for public bodies or private companies, to be involved with the consultation and provide feedback to SiLC; as we have an opportunity to deliver a framework that will provide a real benefit to the sector”.

The Land Condition Skills Development Framework is now available on the Skills Framework tab on this site from from Friday 11th December.

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